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Earl Grey Crème Brûlée

Regular price $14.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 AUD
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Organic Loose Leaf - 40g


Sweet & creamy with notes of burnt sugar and citrus. Enjoy this deliciously decadent twist on a classic earl grey. Pure whole citrus bergamot packs a flavour full of vibrancy, making this unlike any earl grey you've tried before. If you're feeling adventurous try adding hot foamed milk to make a killer London fog.



What's a London Fog?

We recommend trying this blend with hot milk - a London Fog. Just steep your tea in 1/2 a cup of water and heat another 1/2 a cup of milk separately either in a pan, the microwave or a milk foamer. Strain the tea and add them together (with a little honey to really make the flavour pop) and there you have the best London Fog!


Steep the benefits of Siberian ginseng! This adaptogenic herb promotes brain function and works in conjunction with bergamot oil to support intermittent fasting. Focus, adapt and propel.


Earl Grey (Camellia Sinensis & Citrus Bergamia), Dates, Siberian Ginseng, Cornflowers & Natural Flavouring.